
ER Med23: i have to do a visual project for Lord of the Flies.
ER Med23: do you have any ideas?
WabbaMan: um…
WabbaMan: get a pig’s head
WabbaMan: heh, j/k
ER Med23: what else?
WabbaMan: well, you’ll need a lot of flies too
WabbaMan: and you’ll have to get them to circle the pig’s head
ER Med23: do you have any practical ideas?
WabbaMan: no, not really
ER Med23: yea, you do.
ER Med23: you’re in AP.
WabbaMan: I didn’t do that project
WabbaMan: and my brain has shutdown for the year
ER Med23: ya right, genius.
ER Med23: how will you get thru the AP’s?
WabbaMan: um… random words here and there and hope that they think my random giberish is metaphorical someway
WabbaMan: who knows, maybe my AP essay will show up in future AP prompts =)
ER Med23: really……………what are some other visuals i could do?
WabbaMan: draw a pig’s head
WabbaMan: with flies
WabbaMan: I know…
WabbaMan: you could make a hat…
WabbaMan: with little wires coming out of it…
WabbaMan: that has strings with little black dots (flies)…
WabbaMan: then you could wear it…
WabbaMan: and put on a pig’s mask
ER Med23: yes!!
