Went Christmas shopping yesterday with mostly Van… we drove all the way down to Barton Creek for mainly Cinnabons… hehe…. oh, we did get Megan’s present there though.
Van and I walked into 5-7-9 and some girl gave us some really weird looks…
We missed the Mopac exit off of 183, so we tried to make up for it by going on Lamar, then we took an exit here and an exit there, a turn here and a turn there… and ended up zig-zagging Lamar about 3 or 4 times or something like that
We missed the exit to go to Barton Creek, so I used my superior directional instinct to make the correct turns to get back to where we needed to go… =)
We got Nancy a good gift. =D
Chad’s isn’t bad either… hehe…
I thought about getting Viraj another cow calendar, but got cheep… ah well…
K, I gotta get dressed…