Apparently, Motorola/Freescale’s “abbreviation” for Metrowerks is MTWKS, which is just ridiculous. Hehe… anyways, today at work, I saw two CDs on someone’s desk that turned out to be the two gold CDs of CodeWarrior for embedded PPC linux. Pretty cool stuff, they were shortly picked up and sent out for mass production. It’s really cool to be able to see works in progress and bleeding edge builds of a decently well known commercial product.
They also have an in-house Linux build of CodeWarrior… pretty nifty stuff. Can’t get it anywhere else. =)
I’m going to copy/paste a little bit of an email I sent to Andrew: Oh yeah, Blizzard uses Metrowerks tools in their games, I saw a poster of WarCraft III that just had the WC3 logo on the top, then it was signed by all the developers… I also saw a Prince of Persia 2 poster somewhere…. wonder if I can get my hands on a beta… =)
I hope I didn’t give away any info I wasn’t supposed to…