Tomorrow, I shall wake up in the world of the “grown-ups.” Full time job, no summer, no homework, fat paychecks…
Nancy asked me Sunday morning if I was excited… I’m not really. I’m kinda excited on what projects I’ll be working on and such, but man… Oliver’s grown-up? I don’t think I quite grasp that after working for three months, I won’t be returning to UT. I guess I have a similar feeling to when I graduated. Just seemed like I would be older, have more things figured out than I do now and such crazy things like that when I entered the “grown-ups” world. Alas, I feel like I could just as easily be waking up to walk into AP English and hear moans and groans about Hamlet or play Magic: The Gathering in the cafeteria during lunch. Haha…
I don’t feel grown-up… I’m feeling pushed… shoved into the next stage of my life. I guess I’m ready, I’m not scared… I just can’t believe it. =)
Well guys, here goes nothing!