Well we managed to sky rocket through Hebrews in three weeks which concludes our first book in the Adventures of the Apartment Bible Study Saga. Newcomers to the group were Kathy and Nathan. Kathy, especially, has a knack for diverting the current thread of conversation by throwing out seemingly random questions prefaced with “this has nothing to do with this but…” Given some of the topics we somehow stumbled upon, I believe next week, when we tackle John 1-3, we will also be addressing the issues of world hunger, world peace, why the USA is in Iraq, abortion, killing in self defense, capital punishment, swearing, and the definitions of marriage, love, and floccinaucinihilipilification. Hehe… j/k.
Roll call for Apartment Bible Study Stardate -318880.47 is: Oliver, Mark, Sam, Chad, Nancy, Kathy, Nathan, Van, Patrick, and Ochs. Kudos to Patrick for being there the last two times and being a good sport (and also providing good input). I feel this has been one of the best Bible study groups I’ve ever participated in because we’re all extremely open with our ideas and thoughts. Also, adding to it are the varying levels of “Bible study experience,” which is really great and provides lots of different view points. Like Van said, thanks everyone for making it a good productive evening.