I have never EVER enjoyed a football game as much as this one. This game was AMAZING. The Tsui’s house erupted with so much noise it was insane! I have never meant the following more than I do now and I doubt I ever will again but this is for our team: HOOK’EM!!! TEXAS FIGHT!!!!!!!
As a special tribute to the Longhorns, I made a few modifications to OliverWEB (might need to refresh to reload the style sheet or clear your cache - especially Safari users).
After the game, we immediately packed our stuff and jetted to UT campus which was INSANE! It was awesome yelling out the car windows. Everyone was honking their horns and running around campus high-fiving other people. Awesome awesome awesome! Campus was just exploding with UT pride! Andrew also jumped into the south mall fountain (while evading the local police officer which was supposed to deter such actions). Some pics:
Man… I don’t think I can ever watch another football game ever again. More pics here!