
So, to show appreciation to the Vox staff, our Elements made cookies and delivered them. Here’re some pics:

Yaaay Cookies

All Done!

And this is Essence who didn’t really do anything except take three hours to get a pizza and eat almost all of Garrick’s chips:

Essence eating all the chips

haha… more on flickr. =)

Also, I went over to Olivia’s yesterday for a bit after she left a voicemail on my phone telling me she had a “really cute beagle!!!!” over. It was funny watching the beagle and Oink play as the beagle would try to bite Oink’s face and to defend from it, Oink would try smash him to the ground with either his chin or his butt… haha… it was kind of like watching a stegosaurus fight a velociraptor or something…
