I was planning on sleeping 30 or so minutes ago, but my brain is still a bit too active, so I’m going to do a bit of brain dumping to the good ‘ole blog and see how that goes.
I think of myself as somewhat of a memory pack-rat as I often times will dig through old files, photos, blog entries, websites, etc. and “relive” emotions. I’m not entirely sure what to make of it, but it’s something I like to do every so often and I’m happy I’ve had OliverWEB and the like for so many years. It’s cool to go back and look at yourself from years past and think “boy was I even nerdier then” (I know that may be hard to believe… coughAnne-Mariecough). I even have a handful of chat logs around from the AIM days which are hilarious, embarrassing, and generally entertaining.
I sometimes pause and think to myself if I’ll remember this exact moment a year or so from now and it’s interesting what that will do to you. I usually end up taking much more note of my surroundings, etc. The details of the couch I’m sitting on, music I’m listening to, lighting etc. I’ve probably had this thought at least a few dozen times or so in the past and I can’t say I really remember many of them, but it’s a cool exercise anyways. =) Will I remember writing this exact blog post? Maybe I will once I finish reading this…
Speaking of going back and looking at old stuff, give MrTechHappy (link is to the very first comic) a complete read. That’s some pretty awesome stuff there… and I like the About page as well. Remember for next year, February 21st is Dress Up Viraj Day!!
“Billie Holiday on the radio
my sluggish heart is beating seven beats too slow
another sad song and another shot of blue
cold and unconcerned are anything but new
He said “Love endures all things”
and it hurts to think He’s right
If I mark the span of failure
is his burden just as light?
I am, Spartan
close my heart so tight
Save me
from myself tonight” - Five Iron Frenzy