
Okay, so I’m stupid. Yeah yeah. lol

Yesterday, I went running and the pain in my shin was kinda gone while I was jogging, and I felt like I had the energy to do a bit of sprinting, so despite knowing I probably shouldn’t because my shin probably wasn’t fully okay yet, I did it anyways. Haha… now I think I’m going to have to take a rather extended break from running/jogging because it’s hurting quite a bit more now and even when I’m not using it (like when I’m sitting). Oh, but that sprint sure did feel nice.

Edit: Hey, the pain’s subsided a bit, maybe I’ll run today! (haha, j/k). After listening to them on Angell’s Xanga a while back, I’ve been listening to a decent amount of All-American Rejects. I kinda like how they sound. shrug =)

“Is there anybody out there?
That wakes up with a bitter taste?
It’s a king that we put up there
And he’s a short way to fall from grace
It’s slowly filling upward.
You can stand but you have no ground.
I hear it from the lost words.
They say it’s time that you lost your crown.” - All-American Rejects

from now

As Van requested… haha…

In about a year from now, I will be 24, and able to… uhh… I don’t know what happens when you hit 24.

In about two years from now, I will be 25, able to rent a car at all places and have my car insurance drop in cost (at least, that’s what I hear).

In about three years from now, I will be married.

In about four years from now, I will have five kids.

In about five years from now, I will have eight grandchildren.

In about six years from now, I will have ten kids.

In about seven years from now, I will have 60 grandchildren.

In about eight years from now, I will rule the world!!!


About a year ago, Van became a Christian.

About two years ago, I got my first DSLR.

About three years ago, apparently not much happened.

About four years ago, I tried to watch My Sassy Girl and removed the ability for other people to post on OliverWEB.

About five years ago, the password was removed from OliverWEB and uh… I guess Chad made his site.

About six years ago, Wes made his first post on OliverWEB.

About seven years ago, OliverWEB.

Wow… seven years.

For kicks:

99-00 | 00-01 | 01-02 | 02-03 | 03-04 | 04-05 | 05-06

Google YouTube

So, Google buys YouTube, eh? I was kinda hoping Yahoo! would buy it. I’ve kinda been rooting for the underdog search engine for a while (even though I don’t use it) out of my fondness of flickr and general positive attitude for

Oh… I’m hungry, that’s all I’m going to say for now… must find food…

Edit: My shin is still hurting. It’s alright until a mile or so, after that it starts to hurt a decent amount with every step. I wonder when it will go away… I want to run a 5k. =(

Oh yeah, and I feel really sorry for this kid. Haha… that guy is going to be made fun of for a while.

“Did you think that I would cry
On the phone?
Do you know what it feels like
Being alone?
I’ll find someone new

Swing, swing, swing
From the tangles of
My heart is crushed By a former love
Can you help me find a way
To carry on again?” - All-American Rejects


Yesterday, I was playing with my camera in my room trying to take pictures of myself (which is a little harder than it seems, sometimes, haha) and this was the only one I think turned out ok. I’m getting a little shaggy… haha.


I heard music coming from across the hall and poked my head in. Wes has gifted me with a “tune” now that he is supposed to play whenever I enter the room. Sweet!


Chad and Nancy were also there listening to Wes…


And then later, we had a little chat session in Van and I’s room. Here is Sam in all his glory (well, ok… not all):


And the night wouldn’t be complete without some hot Indian action:


This picture looks like I was beheaded…

Beheaded! =(

Andrew in Pink

As promised, here’s a pink picture. Haha…

Andrew in Pink

That is all. =)

“I fell in love again
all things go, all things go
drove to Chicago
all things know, all things know
we sold our clothes to the state
I don’t mind, I don’t mind
I made a lot of mistakes
in my mind, in my mind” - Sufjan Stevens

Short Update


Was on campus today and met up with Sam and Kathy who were shooting some pics of some TiSA girls. Took some pics myself (not many of the girls they were shooting cause it was weird having so many cameras on them and I didn’t want to make them feel awkward) and I think they turned out alright. See flickr set.

Umm, that’s all I’m gonna say for now, might post some more later, haha…


So I’m too lazy to write up the password protected post right now… not all that much to say anyways (yet) so maybe I’ll just write a huge summary later… haha.

Anyways, we had our first discussion-focused Elements yesterday and I think it went really well. I was scared of having a group where generating discussion is like pulling teeth and I would have to fight silence trying to get people to talk, but that’s definitely not the case. I think we could have gone on for a few more hours with no problem if we didn’t cap the discussions off at some time, haha. Makes my job a lot easier. ;) Thanks to everyone who came and shared your thoughts, and Kathy for the cupcakes.

Afterwards, I apparently made a stupid bet with Kathy that she couldn’t tie my hands together if I didn’t want her to and ended up being physically injured. I’ll show you a picture of the massive bruise on my hand and leave it at that… I think it actually looks worse in person.. haha.

bruise =(

I went to Angell’s Xanga earlier this morning and decided to listen to his radio blog… hehe, gives me some more variety than the stuff that’s on my iPod I listen to all the time.

“Yesterday was over
Today I’m fine without you
Runaway this time without you
And all I ever thought you’d be
That face is tearing holes in me again,
but today I’m fine without you
Runaway this time without you
And all the things you put me through
I’m holding on by letting go of you” - All-American Rejects

Haha… so… angsty.

Oh Noes!

Lost S3 starts tonight, but I will be leading my Elements, so I will not be able to watch. =( I suppose that’s why we have a DVR… you guys better record it, haha.

I didn’t even realize that the UT/OU game was this weekend until a day or so ago. Usually I feel some kind of buzz of its coming, but not this year… maybe cause both teams aren’t as good or because I’m not as close to UT? shrug dunno. =)

Some other stuff I might blog about in a password-protected post soon. We’ll see… haha. ;)

Oh yes, and congrats to Andrew and his Freescale offer. =) (I hope I’m allowed to say that… lol)

“This seems too big for me
hulking monstrosity
too late to get out now
And like the speed of sound
this thing has brought me down
I don’t remember how
I want to be free
but Juggernaut is killing me

Freedom like a song
The weak shall be made strong
I may sink before I swim
but I’m not giving in to you” - Five Iron Frenzy