Wall Down!

I had contractors over at my place today to take down a wall and replace some wood flooring with tile. Here’re some mid-progress photos:




Tomorrow, the tiling starts! Yaaaay!

“If you leave, don’t leave now
Please don’t take my heart away
Promise me, just one more night
Then we’ll go our separate ways
We’ve always had time on our sides
Now it’s fading fast
Every second, every moment
We’ve got to, We’ve got to make it last

I touched you once, I touched you twice
I won’t let go at any price
I need you now like I needed you then
You always said we’d still be friends someday” - OMD

My Teacher Is An Alien

When I was young (like elementary school), I used to love Bruce Coville books. I was thinking about something to blog about tonight, I remembered there was a series that I started but never finished because the final book hadn’t been written yet. By the time it was, I had moved on from reading (I blame the education system for that one ;-)).

So… I’m thinking about picking up the entire “Aliens Ate My Homework” series and going through it on my staycation later this week… we’ll see if that actually happens. I don’t really remember the plot, and I was a pretty big dork as a young Oliver so I’m a bit curious to go through it again and see what I think now that I’m young Oliver +15… extreme, turbo.

Speaking of young tweenage Oliver, I was looking at my Friends 2000 page and apparently had not accepted at that point in time the awesomeness that is the years 10-13. You’ll notice that the pictures on the side pretty much skip all of my middle school years, haha - straight from elementary to high school. Sometimes I wonder how I managed to get to high school without getting beaten up (nah, I’m just kidding, I was the bully :P… no, I’m kidding about that too). I will find some pictures of the dreaded tweenage years and post them sometime. It’ll be fun!

Oh yeah, and another thing that happened today was that my mom sent us (her children) an email and addressed everyone as “Daughters.” The email thread:

“Running just as fast as we can
Holding on to one another’s hand
Trying to get away into the night

And then you put your arms around me
And we tumble to the ground
And then you say

I think we’re alone now
There doesn’t seem to be anyone around
I think we’re alone now
The beating of our hearts is the only sound” - Tiffany

The independent one

Let’s see here, what did I do on the July 4th weekend?…


  • Finally watered my lawn after purchasing a water hose that was actually long enough for my needs

  • Hobo Jon photo shoot!

  • Went to Plucker’s with Al

  • Refactored a bunch of backend code on Owiber.com


  • Chilled with Chad for a bit, including fetching some stuff to repair a really small scratch on his car
    IndependenceWeekend-001 (by owiber)

  • People trickled on over to my house as we watched Return of the Jedi on TV. Sam loves him some Jedi:
    IndependenceWeekend-003 (by owiber)

  • Mark brings us steak! We eat then watch Independence Day (woo!).
    IndependenceWeekend-002 (by owiber)

  • We go check out Chancy’s new house (Mark, Sam and I venture across the railroad tracks to discover the short-cut)
    IndependenceWeekend-004 (by owiber)

  • We chill and everyone but me plays poker as we listen to music and mess with iTunes DJ
    IndependenceWeekend-005 (by owiber)

    IndependenceWeekend-006 (by owiber)

    IndependenceWeekend-007 (by owiber)


  • A lot of bumming around, and watching more Weeds (Season 2) with Ochs and Chancy.

Thaaat’s it! (I think)

Old Photos

I grabbed a few old photos and uploaded them to Flickr, mostly for back-up’s sake. I’m not entirely sure where the full size ones are, but I’m sure they’re somewhere. Here’re a few notable ones:

The Barbie Hummer!
IMG_5590 (by owiber)

Viraj, beautiful as always: :P
IMG_5639 (by owiber)

Mark attacking Olivia:
IMG_6446 (by owiber)

Crazy Andrew:
IMG_6577 (by owiber)

A classic:
IMG_6551 (by owiber)

I love this guy! (he’s in San Francisco):
IMG_8162 (by owiber)

Fobby Chancy:
IMG_2363 (by owiber)

IMG_2452 (by owiber)

She let out a fart ghost:
IMG_8282 (by owiber)

Unhappy Mommy:
IMG_8121 (by owiber)

Pig vampire:
IMG_8076 (by owiber)

So… I had to do a ridiculous amount of work to get these images to work with my Flickr stuff on the site because apparently if your original image is the size of the Flickr “Large” image (1024px width or height), Flickr doesn’t generate a Large image so I can’t count on that URL existing. Also, the original image URL is obfuscated (I assume so you can’t easily download someone’s full-size image if they don’t want you to). I eventually had to get my own Flickr API key and write a server side service to find out the Large (or equivalent) image URL to use. whew It works though! Let me know if you have any issues.

Wanna Post

I want to post some lyrics, so I gotta come up with a blog post to go along with it…

I just had dinner at Plucker’s with Al:


Good times as usual. Thanks, Al!

In other news, I need to replace my roof after the hail storm a while or whatever ago. Thankfully, that’s what insurance is for! It actually works out pretty well, since I’d probably need to replace it in a few years anyways. Should I look into getting a metal roof? :mrgreen: I likely would have figured this out a while ago had a solicitor not assumed I was an adolescent child, which made me not listen to her at all. Anyways, inspector said it was pretty scratched up but I didn’t have any immediate risk of leaks or anything, so I’ll get around to getting that done soon.

I’m prepping to get some other contract work done on my house, like removing a wall or two and tiling some floor. I’ll post pics when that happens (maybe even this coming week)!

“I’m lying alone with my head on the phone
Thinking of you till it hurts
I know you hurt too but what else can we do
Tormented and torn apart
I wish I could carry your smile and my heart
For times when my life feels so low
It would make me believe what tomorrow could bring
When today doesn’t really know, doesn’t really know” -Air Supply

moonfruit spam is not cool

Lame Twitter “event” of the day/week: #moonfruit spam. Not only do I not care about how long you sat on the toilet this morning, and yes, in fact, I did hear that Michael Jackson is dead, I really don’t care to hear about some website builder over and over… and over… and over again. This type of stuff keeps up and I’m just going to abandon Twitter altogether… I already question its worth. Don’t be such ad gimmick whores, people!

Speaking of selling out, I may put Google AdSense ads on Owiber.com just to play around with it. I don’t expect to make any money, but I’m curious how the whole system works. Yeah yeah, go #moonfruit yourself.

“Say how’s the weather, so I look out the window
To brighten my soul, but I can’t control the rain
That keeps falling
Smile on the outside that never comes in
A comedy, mystery, irony, tragedy
So I scream ‘let the show begin” - Jars of Clay


I finally got around to setting up a personal subversion repository on my Slicehost box. I’ve been meaning to do that for a while, but never got around to it. I’m currently in the process of checking in 600MBish of files from OliverWEB… I’m not entirely sure what takes up all that much space, but I guess I’ve accumulated a decent chunk of stuff over the 10ish years I’ve had it around. =) I really wish I still had a copy of my old Geocities account.

I’m going with coworkers to the Video Games Live & Blizzard Live concerts in Houston on the 18th. Anyone else want to come? To prepare for it, Tiff has convinced me to host a Diablo II (I’ve never played) LAN party at my place on the 11th. Should be fun! =)

I can’t make another post without putting up a photo to make use of my flickr code, so here’re some old ones:


Oh, and these are dedicated to my lovely littlest sister who will love me even more after this…

Bulbous Cheeks



Oh yeah, and on a work related note, it’s cool to see Bazaarvoice mentioned in articles alongside Twitter, Facebook, and/or other much hyped sites:

… there also seems to be a trend developing with people getting creative trying to get hired at BV:

“We’re talking away
I don’t know what
I’m to say I’ll say it anyway
Today’s another day to find you
Shying away
I’ll be coming for your love, OK?

Take on me, take me on
I’ll be gone
In a day or two” - A Ha

Should be sleeping

I was planning on sleeping 30 or so minutes ago, but my brain is still a bit too active, so I’m going to do a bit of brain dumping to the good ‘ole blog and see how that goes.

I think of myself as somewhat of a memory pack-rat as I often times will dig through old files, photos, blog entries, websites, etc. and “relive” emotions. I’m not entirely sure what to make of it, but it’s something I like to do every so often and I’m happy I’ve had OliverWEB and the like for so many years. It’s cool to go back and look at yourself from years past and think “boy was I even nerdier then” (I know that may be hard to believe… coughAnne-Mariecough). I even have a handful of chat logs around from the AIM days which are hilarious, embarrassing, and generally entertaining.

I sometimes pause and think to myself if I’ll remember this exact moment a year or so from now and it’s interesting what that will do to you. I usually end up taking much more note of my surroundings, etc. The details of the couch I’m sitting on, music I’m listening to, lighting etc. I’ve probably had this thought at least a few dozen times or so in the past and I can’t say I really remember many of them, but it’s a cool exercise anyways. =) Will I remember writing this exact blog post? Maybe I will once I finish reading this…

Speaking of going back and looking at old stuff, give MrTechHappy (link is to the very first comic) a complete read. That’s some pretty awesome stuff there… and I like the About page as well. Remember for next year, February 21st is Dress Up Viraj Day!!

“Billie Holiday on the radio
my sluggish heart is beating seven beats too slow
another sad song and another shot of blue
cold and unconcerned are anything but new
He said “Love endures all things”
and it hurts to think He’s right
If I mark the span of failure
is his burden just as light?

I am, Spartan
close my heart so tight
Save me
from myself tonight” - Five Iron Frenzy