Congrats to Julie & Dean! This is another late weekend post, but hey… as long as I don’t wait until the following weekend, I figure I’m okay. =)
On Friday, we had a lot of people play tower defense (I think it was nine) which was pretty fun and we finally beat the map we were playing really late at night (2AM?). I hear the StarCraft 2 map editor is ridiculously powerful, so I’m somewhat anxious to see what people come up with with that. Maybe I should actually preorder a copy…
Saturday, Julie & Dean got married! Melissa came along which made this her first wedding. Sam officiated with the “powers invested in him.” Here are some pics:
The rest are on flickr as usual.
On Sunday, I finished setting up a photo book in Aperture and ordered it through Apple. It was a bit pricey, but it’ll probably be worth it if the quality is pretty good as it was pretty convenient and gives me a good way to get physical copies of my photos. I’m somewhat anxiously waiting for it to arrive…
Of course, we watched the Lost finale as well. I’m a bit tired of talking about it so I won’t really. I would say the finale didn’t ruin the series for me, but I wasn’t really impressed with it either. That’s all ya get!