Brownboy still sucks…
You got it stuck, you got it stuck, you got it stuck in my HHEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAADDDD.
Well, the day is mine, and all of you other idiots will rue this day. Peace and love, i’m out.
Memory Lane
Just going through some old OliverWEB stuff. Some of the articles were pretty funny… the pics on some of those bring back some great memories. =) I was just alerted that it’s snowing outside… snowing reminds me of Christmas. =)
There are also a lot of funny stuff in the archives. Thank you Nancy for the apple.. aha! remember HellHare? =)
Ahh… so many things… well, I’m going now… ZZZzZzzzzzz…
Chad's Dining $
Just something we thought quite funny…

Pay special attention to the parts I circled… =)
The Subway Sucks
I would’ve posted this up on Coconutcomics, but Matt has yet to give me the URL’s for the update pages. I will continue to search for them though. If Matt did not know he was supposed to, then my apologies. I told others to relay the message. But in any case, I hate Matt.
I would just like to make a statement.
Studying stinks.
Alright, another few statements…
Logic stinks.
Calculus stinks.
Ok, I’m done for tonight. Good night.
Pictures are fun to look at and to take.

Birthday Pics
Here are pics from Olivia’s 16th birthday… oh… and a few shots of Nancy’s “artwork” =) on Van’s hand…
Have fun!
I found this.
I thrive upon being vague,
I suppose it’s something to do.
It releases me from the infinite plague
That never ceases to be you.
And yeah you’re causing me problems again,
So i pretend you’re probably not there.
Released from responsibility for my actions
By forcing myself to never care.
What am I thinking?
Or am i thinking at all?
My boat can’t possibly be sinking.
The water is just minutely tall.
There was a man who burned his hand,
And blamed it on the stove.
He subsequently buried it in the sand
And far away he drove.
In a new house he now resides.
His previous wife has long since died.
And longing for years that will never come
From his new life,
He only fails to hide.