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Hehe, ok, please no one take offense to this, I still think George Bush was the best candidate (that made the end ballot) for the presidency, but… this is really funny =)
Olivia and I have been working on a comic! Here’s a sample, this one, was done by Olivia (You can tell that, because theres talent in these drawings.) Btw, we still don’t have a title =) so… if you have any suggestions… hint hint
Hilo ^.^ I thought this was pretty funny.. I found it a little bit ago.. it’s a story I wrote in 6th grade (I never finished it, thank goodness).. it’s not that long (TG.. ;))… but it’s really funny because… can anybody imagine Oliver or me like this? =D
In a far away galaxy, lived a young, beautiful princess. Her name was Oriana Wong. Her mother and father, the Queen and King, lived in the palace with her and ruled the country. Oriana wasn’t alone though, true, she is the youngest of her family, but she had an older brother and sister named, Prince Oliver and the #1 princess Olivia. Here is the story of their lives.
For more, go to Comments ^.^
Don’t get me wrong, I sorta liked the other animated gif of Olivia… despite it looking nothing like her, but… gotta make it better =) this is the better one =)
Do you all remember the old sheep program that was featured on Oliverweb? It was awhile ago… well I was looking at that program the other day, and I started thinking “You know what? I could probably do something like that” I mentioned this to Olivia, and decided she should be the character walking around the desktop. I started to work on it. Lala, here is some preliminary (and sucky =)) art of Olivia walking =)
Brook is now on the Friends 2001 page… crazy guy… =)
ok, how i found this is quite a story that i will explain to you when i am down there this next week. incredibly funny part i thought would be if you go to www.kaploo-e.com, then click on DVDs, make sure and look at all the DVDs in the list to find the hilarity.