Well Olivia wanted everyones opinion on Hanging By A Moment, what it means, and all that deep stuff… I have another song I want analyzed…
The Turtle Song, by the Nine Inch Nose Hairs I’m not sure if all of you are familiar with them yet, but they’re pretty talented. Well anyway, I’m looking for verse by verse interpretations of this song as well… let me know what you think?
Yes, yes, I'm making fun of my own kind
One day, a blonde named Sally was putting together a puzzle. She was really stumped and very frustrated, so she decided to ask her husband for help.
“It’s supposed to be a tiger!” Sally cried.
“Honey,” said Dan, “Put the Frosted Flakes back in the box!”
Weird Topic, I know...
Alrighty, I was just wondering… the song “Hanging by a Moment” by Lifehouse, what’s it mean to you? I mean, what’s your interpretation of that song? =)
Just wonderin ^.^ I’m sorry, this is a weird topic and stuff, but it invovles some FEED BACK ^.^
Sorry, ok, I’m ending..
Poor.. Thing...
testing testing 123
Sorry to put more junk on the main page, but I have to make sure this works. So um… what’s up? =)
Alright, newbie updaters: Update the page with cool stuff that will hopefully provoke cool comments/coversations. =)
Something that is either cool (to me, of course ;), funny, or… “OliverWEBish” would be the best thing to update with… if you put anything else up… well… then… hmm… I guess I’ll leave it unless it’s “inappropriate” material. =)
Just try not to update TOO much so that we go through the whole page (12 updates) every day or something… a couple per day would be cool though.
Have fun! =)
I’m new at this? I dunno how to work this? This is my first time? This is WEIRD! Ok, =) HI!!! =D
Hmmm… well, a lot of you need to finish the F2001 questions you’ve got… and to those who have gotten them done and they’re just sitting in my mailbox… um… well, I’m lazy, alright? =)
I’m at Motorola right now… but I want to go home now… I want to make the WabbaCube…
I think I’m going to need some active updaters on OliverWEB… any volunteers?
Well guys...
We’re done. =)