Ladida… I’m depressed… wanna know why?
Cause I don’t have a job…
Oliver has a job… Motorola…
Chad has a job… Albertsons…
other people have jobs… me? no work… I could go back to gallup…
Oh! and speaking of people with jobs! Ochs just got an email from IBM, he got a job there! 11/hr I think! Woohoo! Think he can get me a job there? Congratulations Ochs!
And… if anyone has suggestions for a place I could work… umm… comment, I need a job…
Matt's Time To Vent!
I hope this doesn’t annoy anyone, but no one is online, and I need to complain. =)
First… I hate stereotypes… I hate how some people will label an entire group based on one person. For example someone saying that all christians hate gays, and have no fun… I like to think I have fun, and I have never hated anyone… I dislike people who say that all “blacks/crackers/etc are stupid.” or any other generalization like that… it just annoys me…
Second… I hate how people create these stereotypes… how there are some people who claim to be christians and then go out and kill people who are gay to “prove” it. Or how people who are christians insist that other christians only listen to christian music, because all other music is from the devil… UGH! heh… ok, I think I’m done…
Thank you for listening to me rant…
….I really don’t know why….
*Drumroll Please*
Hey everyone! Guess what? Oliver is too modest, and wont post this on here I don’t think, but…
He got a scholarship to UT! A nice one too… $5000!!
Congratulations Oliver!
Kickin' it in the hizouse on the west saiyeed
^that’s eubonics…or however you spell that…or should I say spizznell? Hardy har har. Anyway….I decided that since i haven’t put in any kind of news in a while, that I should. So that’s what’s going on. Having fun yet? I thought so. Well, I suppose I’ll tell you what’s going on in Wes’s Life.
Last night, two of my friends and I went to downtown Fort Worth in my redneck rig(my truck). Sitting in the back were a bunch of instruments and my friend Josh…just to make sure nothing flew out or got jacked while we sat at a red light. We drove around forever, trying to find a corner where we could park and unload and stuff, but we couldn’t…then we pulled up to this stoplight, and my friend Cliff hopped out and grabbed a guitar and ran to a corner. Then the other guy, Josh, and I drove around for eternity trying to find somewhere close by to park. Finally, we parked at another red light right by the corner Cliff had claimed, and they unloaded the truck with blinding speed that would shame superman! Then I went to a parking garage and proceeded up, then foolishly drove in the same circle for about five minutes before realizing that I had seen one car in particular about three times already…I felt positively stupid. Well, I finally parked and grabbed the bass guitar that was in there, and went to the corner, recieving a Christian track thingy on the way that said “Are You a Survivor?” like the show… Well anyway I got to the corner, and we set up and started by playing “Friends in Low Places,” and a couple more, and then….a cop came and told us to quiet down. Someone in the apartmets across the street had complained. Darn. So we went acoustics, but the drummer couldn’t hear me, so I hooked up to the little amp, and we played quite quietly, gaining about four bucks because we so good, and then….lo and behold here came the cop. Darn. So they began packing up, and I walked to the parking garage a few blocks away, then right as I had gotten up three flights of stairs, then walked one level up, I checked my pockets, and…..NO KEYS!!! WHERE ARE MY KEYYYS!?!?! I JUST WALKED FOR TEN MINUTES TO GET HERE AND I HAVE NO KEYS!!!! Okay….calm….deep breaths…let’s just calm down…there must be some way out of this nasty situation…. Then, I remembered something. I reached deep into my pockets, and I fished around a bit, pulled out my wallet, and opened it, only to discover…..triumphant music KEYS!!! I always keep a spare set of keys in my wallet for events JUST LIKE THIS!!! YYAYAYAAAAAAAAYYYY!!! Well, the rest is really quite inconsequential. I went to the corner, we packed up, drove around for a parking space, for the garage thing was absolutely out of the question, then we went into a lot, right as someone was leaving, and spent a looong time trying to pack a big amplifier, a bass drum, three toms, two snares, four cymbals, a small amp, a head, and three guitars into the cab of my truck so they wouldn’t be stolen by the evil folk of downtown. Good thing too, because it started raining later…Well, when it began raining, we ran into this place called the Coffee Haus, where I got a root beer, Josh got a Dr. Pepper, and Cliff got their strongest coffee drink: Rocket Fuel, into which he placed about 8 chocolate-covered espresso beans, and about 12 packets of sugar(and it was so strong that even after all that sugar, it was still incredibly bitter and coffee-tasting). He did not sleep that night. Well, we played some chess, and then the nice employees to which we are eternally grateful granted us some trash bags to cover our equipment with when we moved it to the back of my truck. All in all, I’d say it was a pretty good night, which I enjoyed quite a bit. I will do this again next friday, but this time, we’ll get a permit to play guitar and drums and All Manner of Things on the street corner.
Sorry that this is so long…I don’t have anywhere else to put it…however, as an apology, here is a sandwich!!!

Cultural Fair
McNeil is hosting its first ever annual fair, and guess what?!
Several people on this site are involved…
Olivia, Christine and Cathy are part of the Chinese Booth.
Oliver is part of the Orient booth.
Van is part of some booth… not sure which… sorry Van…
Brook, Chad, and… ME! are all part of the White American Culture booth =)
The fair is tomorrow (4-12) and I suggest everyone that reads this come… show up anytime from 6-8:30, come see friends! Fun stuff!
And now it’s time for me to explain the White American Culture booth… until today, this group was not part of the fair, but we see this as discrimation, and so now are making the booth, we got permission. White American Culture steals from all other cultures… we are proud of this, and plan to show it off =)
Go crackers!
lol… we aren’t really that proud, but we hope it will be funny. And… to some extent… we’re hoping we wont be suspended once they understand our full purpose… come watch!
Anyone notice any similarites?
Does anyone see how much Van looks like Bolo here?

Again, just because it’s funny!

Sometimes you feel like a blonde...
I know, I know, this is mean of me, but… lol…
:{Man says:
but according to Steve Martin, when he yelled “Savages” after losing $6000 on the roulette wheel at a Cherokee gambling place, he actually meant “Until we meet again”
Mandy says:
:{Man says:
hey! thats really funny! you could at least feign laughter!
:{Man says:
Mandy says:
I’m blonde, I just don’t get it =)
:{Man says:
ok =) if you called a group of native americans “savages” how do you think they’d react?
Mandy says:
I’ve never met a native american, how would I know?
:{Man says:
lol… lol…