Bazaarvoice’s end of quarter was this past Friday and it was crazy. One part of our craziness is we go absolutely insane with the color green (increasingly more so as the last day in the quarter approaches):

Our sales team rocked it this quarter and whooped their goal on the last day. I had to leave early on Friday, but I hear they got sand and beer to have a boat/beach themed party on the top of the parking garage… haha.
Friday night, I went to Orange & White with Melissa. I figured I would feel old, but that feeling wasn’t as bad as I thought it’d be (probably since I had never been to O&W before). I’m kind of a lame date to a dance (especially with an ankle that limits certain movement), but Melissa put up with me. =p
Before the dance, we went to dinner at the Belmont which was okay (I wouldn’t have any urges to go again). Atmosphere was not bad, though. I think the Spazmatics were playing next door, so there was some sweet 80’s music going on. BV would be happy that we were still sporting green throughout the night (okay, that wasn’t exactly intentional).

I hear the dance was scaled down this year and there was only one ice sculture… here it is in all its glory (not sure how glorious it is, but if it has any, it’s all in this photo):

Saturday, I did a lot of nothing. The marketing department at BV gave me a $50 AMEX gift certificate for loaning them my 5DMII, so I headed to Fry’s in an attempt to spend it. I was thinking of getting Entourage, but they didn’t have it. I thought about Curb Your Enthusiasm and 30 Rock as well, but the prices were so much higher than Amazon, that I decided not to. I walked out with the $50 untouched. Fry’s fail. After that, there was dinner and dessert with Ryan, his parents, and some of the BV gang. I took a few pics, but they didn’t turn out so great, so I won’t be posting them. =p
Sunday, I got my hair cut, watched 500 Days of Summer and ate mangos.