I’m off to Seattle later today (Tuesday) on business, but hopefully I’ll have some amount of fun. =)
This past weekend, we had our usual ultimate in somewhat cold weather, but it was fun anyways. I don’t exactly recall what I did between ultimate and that night, but I do know Sam summoned me to pick his drunk butt up from downtown late at night. I brought along Chancy to pick him up and well, let’s just say Sam made the trip home quite interesting. ;)
I had a conversation with Nancy about dating and I had the idea of going on a date and playing a “deal breaker or not” game where you basically take turns listing aspects about yourself that you think could be deal breakers and the other person says it is or isn’t. I figure this is probably a short term lose-lose situation as the game would either be really boring or get awkward really quickly once you hit a deal breaker. On the plus side, I suppose it will help you in the long run not waste any time. ;) I’m totally just joking, by the way.
Went to Vox again on Sunday, had lunch at Jim’s with a few peeps then went up to Round Rock for a bit. That night, chilled with Ryan, Heather and Steph by playing way too much hearts and watching Enchanted, which I found amusing. That movie’s genius on Disney’s part with all the recycling they were able to do. I fell asleep in a lovesac, which I apparently humped pretty good. For the record, I’d like to say I burrowed, not humped…
For all of my cyber-stalkers out there thinking they can invade my house while I’m gone, you better watch out. Ryan’s still there and he’ll possibly bite your face off.
I will now end this post with an excerpt from an “artist” who has one of the highest ratios of ridiculous lyrics per character ever.
“He was a skater boy
She said see you later boy
He wasn’t good enough for her
She had a pretty face
But her head was up in space
She needed to come back down to earth” - Avril Lavigne
That song’s called Sk8ter Boi. I’m not joking. Ridiculous.