Rx Girls

Rx Girls

This is Nancy and Julie trying to make Rx in the sand… however, since I’m not 12 feet tall and was on the lower side of the beach, you can’t really tell all that well… it just looks kinda disturbing. =)



This is what happens to Viraj when he drinks too much. We played a drinking game where I drank Gatorade and during some points in the game, Viraj had to drink until I stopped drinking. That, among some other things, did not bode well for him.


Thanks for the trip, guys… was lots of fun.

I think I’m losing my voice because of all the singing my car did on the way to and back from the beach… was lots of fun, guys. =) Umm… more later. Bed time now. Uploading pics while I sleep…

Hello Blog

Boo! Ok, so I’ve taken a long hiatus away from blogging. Mostly because I didn’t have anything blog worthy to talk about (or the blog wasn’t worthy of receiving what I wanted to talk about. =)

There are lots of interesting tid bits I learn at work that would make great blog entries, but I’d be violating so many contracts and laws, I don’t think it’d bode well for me. So… um… work is interesting. ;)

Yesterday, Andrew and I installed an aux audio input into my car. Unfortunately, I left my iPod at work and didn’t really have a good way to test it other than a cruddy old Sony CD player. I think something happened and the wire got loose cause now I only get audio from the right speakers. Doh… gotta crack open the center console again…


I just finished talking to Nancy for too long online and I was going to try to blog about something, but now my battery is running out and it’s getting late and I have work tomorrow so this is all you get, one really long run on sentence.

Graduation and Stuff


Took some pictures of Oriana before she went off to her 8th grade dance, then jetted down to UT for Van’s (and Yeeland’s, turns out!) graduation. Unfortunately, didn’t get to take pictures of Van with this family cause they didn’t get there in time (before the ceremony), but I got some so-so shots Van and Yeeland walking across stage from afar (this is when a telephoto lens would come in handy… I should have borrowed Van’s 70-200).

Congrats to all those who are graduating! =)

What Have I Done?!

These Cursed Hands!!

Spent too too much. =) I will concede that this purchase in near wholly unnecessary, but oh is this Canon 5D nice… although I think my camera skills in no way warrant this type of gear (maybe eventually? =).

So I’m done spending for a long time to come (except for maybe a tripod and Aperture/Lightroom)… time to take shot in FF! I think I’ll only get a tripod if Jon wants his back… I mean, wait… I don’t have his tripod… Kathy has it… yeaah….. that’s it. =)