Ahh, good times, good times

I’m yanking this from McNeil’s website because I like it and I should like to save it for future reference. =)

New Look!

MCNEIL HIGH SCHOOL - After staring at the same old boring layout for the past four years, Computer Club President, Oliver W. finally made it a Computer Club project to redesign the whole shebang. “Well, seeing that Computer Club really hasn’t done anything in the past few years, I thought that this would be a nice thing to do… I guess,” Oliver stated with a smile.

Even though the initial design/concept was created a few months ago, Computer Club members (mostly the officers) were busy procrastinating like good Seniors should (that was not a comment endorsed by McNeil high school - purely the humble opinion of Computer Club… at least its officers), Oliver W. and Van N. spent a weekend in front of the computer after eating some pizza and playing some games to make… this. “You like?… You like?” Van asks while having a short memory lapse.

Although the site does have a new look and design, much of the content is still very old or nonexistent. “There’s like… nothing there,” Van commented. As a result, Computer Club would like all club sponsors, department heads, whatever to contact their sponsor, Anne Marie Groden with information about your club/department/etc.

The page content can also be given to a trustworthy Computer Club member who will give the file to an officer, if that be the preferred method of transfer. “That would be most excellent,” Van shouts.

“My quotes stink!” Van exclaims.

I wish I wrote like that more often, hehe…

New Layout!

So I thought I wasn’t going to get to make a new layout this year “in time,” but it turns out I was wrong. =) Some inspiration and a good day’s work and well… here you have it.

I think I’ve gotten sucked into Flickr, I will probably go Pro soon…


So after messing with Flickr for a bit, I’ve got an issue (with Picasa as well). What I want, ideally, is to have the smaller version of the images I upload to always be 500px. Works pretty well for pictures that are not rotated (landscape), but for portrait type pictures, Flickr and Picasa are “smart” and will rotate automatically, however when they resize to “500px” they resize the width, which is actually the height since it’s rotated. I want the width to be resized to 500px, taking into account the rotation.

Any ideas on a solution to this issue? I’m thinking I could perhaps run a batch on the files and detect if they’re rotated or not, actually rotate the image and then wipe out the EXIF (or whatever) that says the image was rotated… but… I dunno…

Edit: Ugh, from the looks of it, it seems like Flickr will resize the largest dimension to 500px (no matter if it’s widght/height). Suck.

Flickr Test

.flickr-photo { border: solid 2px #000000; }
.flickr-yourcomment { }
.flickr-frame { text-align: left; padding: 3px; }
.flickr-caption { font-size: 0.8em; margin-top: 0px; }

IMG_3296-1, originally uploaded by owiber.

Testing flickr. I suspect breakage is going to happen.

Woo! I live!

Well, camping last weekend was CRAZY. lol…

BTW, someone should tell Motorola they should have made the V8 SLVR the iTunes phone. All they needed to do is make the wheel in the center of it, a scroll wheel (like the iPod), not impose a 100 song limit, and walla, $$$! Instead they had to release that terrible ROKR. sigh

Of course, I kinda think Apple wouldn’t let them do that…