I’m going to go ahead and say this before the major news networks do. Bush wins. Unless if I’m being outright lied to or there is some crazy fact I am not aware of, I don’t see how Ohio is considered a “too close to call.” Same for New Mexico (although I’m a bit less sure about that as I don’t know how many provisional/absentee ballots are out there for NM, but I doubt enough to swing 11k in favor of Bush).

Let’s look at the numbers. Right now, with 99% precints reporting in Ohio, Bush has 2,777,645 votes and Kerry 2,632,547. So that’s about a 145k lead. Let’s say there’s a generous 250k absentee and provisional ballots still out there and ALL of them are valid. So, in order for Kerry to tie (x is percentage of votes Kerry needs):

250x = 250(1-x) + 145
250x = 250 - 250x + 145
x = 395/500 = .79 = 79%

So essentially, Kerry needs to get 80% or more of the absentee/provisional ballots to win. Does that seem likely? I think not. It seriously seems like the media is trying to make this another Florida ‘00.

Project: Samiticus Buttmonger

It is now time to Google “Samiticus Buttmonger”! You can do “I’m Feeling Lucky” too… not showing up on Google Images yet though…

Update: I think perhaps Google picked up on my lame attempt to have it indexed quickly… maybe? ‘Cause now it’s not showing up anymore. =(


lol, I don’t know why but Philmore’s Fishy song (I think Chad played it for me way back in high school… man… long time ago) just popped into my head. Here’s the beginning:

Sometimes I wonder
If I’ll ever find her
The one that God’s chosen for me
And what if I find her,
But she doesn’t like me,
I guess that disproves destiny
But I should know better,
The sea is much wetter
With plenty of fishes to see
(For you and me)
And I know my Father
Has scoped out the water
And picked out a fishy for me

I never really got what the rest of the song said cause I couldn’t make them out (and didn’t listen to it enough to decipher it), but I just read the rest of the lyrics, and it’s the hotness.

The other day, Van sucked Mark and I into watching some Good Luck!! with him. Man, dramas are so much more enjoyable watching them with Van because he gets so into them. Watching them makes me feel kinda girly though… I don’t think that’s good…

FAST Lounge

Van and I signed up for FAST lounge at Liquid (the group that helps setup in the morning), so we had to wake up at 7AM. It was highly unpleasant, especially since we went to sleep at around 4AM… haha. When Van and I got to UTC, no one was there, so we proceded to call Tim names because he told us to arrive promptly at 8AM.

Then, after lunch, I took a nice 4+ hour nap. Yummmmy.


I hate UnrealEd. Anyways, I worked on my level for my Game Development class a bit. I’ll post a screenshot in a bit maybe. Van also cleaned like crazy today, and um… I helped a little. lol =)

Update: Screenshot uploaded. We’re using a default Unreal dude right now, but he will be replaced!

Police Chase!

Tonight, at about 4AM, a police helicopter started circling our apartment with spotlights blazing. Here’s a shot of the cop parked outside our rooms, Van probably has some more shots, and Sam has a little blog about the event as well. Heh… we’re in an awesome area. =)

On another note, I just downloaded Picasa, the picture album program Google bought and made free (yay!). I like it lots better than iPhoto and it makes me happy. =D

Lab Hours

So Brook and I were up until 5AM or so just talking about all kinds of things like Liquid, relationships, etc. etc. Then Chad popped in and we eventually drifted into politics… Mark later joined the fun and I ended up not sleeping until probably around 7AM. Three hours of sleep, baby! ZZzzzzz…

My mom and Olivia dropped by this morning to deliver Round Rock donuts. Hotness.

Fanny Pack Sighting

No other TA inspires such respect as the infamous EE316 Fanny Pack TA (FPTA, not to be confused with FPGA). I have been given the generous opportunity to capture FPTA in all his fanny pack and humongous headphones glory… oh… the hotness…