Here are the sites I visit multiple times daily:
Slashdot - I’m obligated.
OSNews - OS’s interest me… we’ll see how I do in the class.
Gizmodo - Happened upon this from reading a Wired article. It’s pretty cool, got lots of nifty gadgets.
Gmail - What can I say? I forwarded all my email to my Gmail account, now it really stinks when it goes down (thankfully, never for long… at least not that I’ve experienced).
Nancy’s Xanga - I basically use Nancy’s Xanga as a bookmark of everyone’s Xanga. So if Nancy ever kills her Subscriptions list or you’re not on her subscription list, too bad. =)
Sites that I visit multiple times weekly:
Penny Arcade - They’re only updated a few times weekly, so I only go on update days.
[H]ard|OCP - I used to go here multiple times a day, but I’ve slowly grown out of the modding and hardware frenzy I used to have and have become more interested in software (thus OSNews being one of my favs). Anyways, I still go here and to [H]ard|Forum a few times a week, just not daily.
The Tech Report - TR’s got some cool stuff occasionally… so I visit occasionally. - I’m still looking for a good KDE window decoration that isn’t just a blatant rip of Aqua. I’ve seen a screenshot I’ve really liked, but the punk either just made it in Photoshop or is too selfish to release it. =) - Umm… yeah, Mr.English-Major, you need to update your blog more.
Liquid/Liquid Forum - Yeah… I go here every so often (mostly for forum) but it’s been kinda quiet lately.
On another note, whoopwhoopwhoopwhoopwhoopwhoopwhoopwhoop!
So, I wrote an update about the LAN party and our Gospic domination, but I got distracted somehow and I guess I closed the window without submitting it. Doh. Oh well… I don’t feel like writing it down again, so here you go.
Bada BOOM!
Whence world domination shall eminate:
Room 233 & 234
Prepare to be assimilated. Resistance is futile. Or just come visit us by taking the Cameron Road bus… then prepare to be assimilated…
or stuffed in the closet with VJ.
Well, I’m grabbing the missing episodes of Futurama and I decided to jump to the very last episode. Aww, how romantic! I feel all warm and fuzzy inside now.
There’s nothing like a satirical comedy written by a bunch of Computer Science and Math nerds ending with a kiss.
Ai no!
Was up until 2AMish watching Futurama. Seems like I’m missing Season 3 1-4… Suprnova is too. =(
Oh man, Futurama is so great. You guys need to watch these. =)
[email protected]
[email protected]
Now I’m torn between which one to use. =(
Van's BDay Gift
Well, I’ve assumed the role of Van’s bday gift collector, so when you guys can, please give me $10-$15.
Thanks. =)
Update: This money will most likely very much aid Van in paying his crazy phone bill.
The Work Chair
Well, I’m at work and I would just like to talk about the chair in my cube. It is terrible. It’s one of those ones that you can adjust the height of, but it will just randomly “shrink.” I have to raise the darn thing like 5 or something times a day.
Hmmm… maybe I’ll steal someone else’s… bbl
Work Number
j0! Work number is: 996-5641, but you probably won’t ever need that unless my cell phone dies.
Andrew's Revenge
Haha… here are pics in case Andrew doesn’t have any.

The pic of the back is kinda bad… but the stuff on it was kind of washing away anyways. I think the text on the back says “I love my mom” and “I want a girlfriend”? I’m not sure about the girlfriend thing cause that was almost all gone, but yeah. The top says “keep swimming!” =)