Argh, this week is going to be pretty yucky starting tomorrow. I’ve got an EE test on Wednesday and an Online Game Tech program due on Thurs (might use one late day on that though to make it Fri)… argh, then I gotta work with my Chinese partner to write our skit show. Uber yucky.
I’m kinda anxious for this semester to end now… it started off alright, but it seems like all my classes converge every once in a while to make a really hectic week, and those tire me out – I just want to finish and move on to the next semester. A new set of topics and teachers, please. =)
Also pretty excited about getting the apartment next year, should be lots of fun, can’t wait until moving in day. =)
Today marks the day when Van and I conquered Mark three times in a row in AOE2. Nevermind that he’s got a gimp hand and it was 2v1, of course. =) CHHHH HAAAHH.
It's April Fool's
Weeeeee. So… I beat 1:08:500 in Baby Park a few days ago… pass/failed two of my classes and should currently be studying for my Chinese quiz “tomorrow” but I’m really really not feeling like it. =)
OMan just turned 21! It’s kinda weird watching everyone hit the big 21, I always saw the 20’s as being so far away, I don’t feel it at all. Heck, I only have one more year left of school! AAAAAHHHHHH!!
I need to find something I can consistantly talk about on OWeb… I find it difficult to come up with stuff sometimes.
Baby Park
Today I beat 1:10 on Baby Park. This was probably the most productive day of my Spring Break.
Oliver & Andrew Will Rulz0rz QED
Drewser2001: oliver, should we spend spring break inventing a time machine, that way we’ll always have enough time for everything
Owiber: yes, that is true
Owiber: but what if we don’t succeed?
Owiber: this is like living your life assuming you’ll create a time machine later
Owiber: lol
Drewser2001: yeah, exciting isn’t it
Drewser2001: living on the edge
Owiber: hmmm
Owiber: so I could kill you, and assume I’ll create a time machine in jail….
Drewser2001: yes, but that’s considering I haven’t created one in the future and stopped you from killing me
Owiber: oh… I see…
Owiber: but how would you do that if you were dead?
Owiber: what would have to happen is…
Owiber: I’d kill you, then later make a time machine to stop myself
Owiber: allowing you to make a time machine to go back to stop me also
Owiber: so both of us will be stopping me…
Owiber: that doesn’t bode too well for me killing you
Owiber: lol
Drewser2001: interesting, I think it’s better if we work together and rule the world as one
Owiber: yeah
Owiber: but I can still try to kill you since it wouldn’t do anything anyways
Owiber: lol
Drewser2001: but what if we fail with our time machine
Drewser2001: then’ll i just be dead, and you’ll be in jail forever
Owiber: but… that’s contradictory to our assumption!
Owiber: that really ruins everything then
Drewser2001: oh yeah, we must succeed then
Owiber: yeah
Drewser2001: ok, so you write the program and I’ll design the hardware
Owiber: think we need a physicist?
Drewser2001: for sure, that would important as we try to defy every natural law there is
Owiber: hmm…
Owiber: do you know a physicist?
Owiber: oh, I know what we can do
Owiber: assume we create a time machine and talk to Einstein about creating the time machine
Drewser2001: we can go to the future and find a better physicist that knows almost everything about time travel too
Owiber: oh, yeah
Drewser2001: wow, that’d make our lives easier
Owiber: we can create a time machine, then go into the future and steal the plans from ourselves
Owiber: perfect!
Drewser2001: yeah!!!
Owiber: and if we need money, we can go into the future and beg for change… once we get back, reverse inflation will make us rich
Drewser2001: we’re brilliant
Owiber: oh man, this is awesome
Drewser2001: that it is
Drewser2001: we can’t be stopped
Found II!
Found my notebook! Chad is a theif.
Oriana found my hat! w00t! Thank you Oriana…
Now for that notebook…
I’m missing a few things… if you find them, let me know. PENGUIN HAT, and my notebook. Please find my penguin hat. =(
Lab Hours
Well, I’m in lab hours for another almost two hours so I’m really really bored. I guess I might start on a CS project soon because there are absolutely no CS307 students in the lab right now (there isn’t even a CS307 assignment due this week).
Anyways, was looking at the Upcoming Movies on RT and it looks pretty exciting:
- Spider-Man 2
- Kill Bill: Volume 2
- The Passion of the Christ
- Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
- Jersey Girl
Wo de benzi qu shangdian porque Dezhou he cha. Fin.
Paul and I are sitting in my dorm right now and Sam is taking a girl home (ooooOoOoOoOhhh Saaammm… ;). We just finished a great midnight/early morning feast at San Jacinto. We had apple pie, pumpkin pie, honey mesquite chicken, milk, Dr.Pepper, whipped cream, and… uhh.. yeah, it was a lot of fun. Richie even brought down Mr.Hedgehog.
K, I need to go home now. Tata!