
Ugh… ACC + work is so tiring, even if the work itself isn’t tough… I got home tonight and man… I feel drained. I even fell asleep in class for a while (which did give me a temporary boost).

So I just realized that I really should make another Friends page this summer… but I have so many other websites to do, I’ll be lucky if I can get to that. Hmm… well, if I get inspired, it’ll happen… otherwise… =/



If Andrew would give me a way to contact him back rather than leave a voice mail with no way to get back to him, that would be preferable. =) My work phone is not operational yet.. but I think it will be: 996-4806… should be working Monday or Tuesday. Email: [email protected].

My cell may or may not work.


Vim (Vi too?)

Know how sometimes vim gets pesky and doesn’t let you use the backspace to delete characters past where you entered insert mode? Here’s the fix:

set backspace=indent,eol,start

There ya go! ;)

Edit: Only works for vim, haven’t looked for the fix to vi and probably won’t cause I don’t care. =)



It’s funny how I check OliverWEB to see if perhaps some updates were made when I know I haven’t done anything. =)

I’ve been feeling a bit drained creativity-wise on things to talk about (err… as you can tell, for a while)… I’m not quite sure what happened. I should like to have creative and fun things to talk about… hmmm…

However, I haven’t been too drained graphics-design wise, which is thankful. Now, I’ve got four websites in my “website queue” after finally finishing the Youthwave redesign. The liquid-missions, liquid (although Karen is handling most of the graphical design on that one), lighthouse, and John Mao’s parents’ restaurant. Hmmm… perhaps I’m going to overload myself. =/ An intern coordinater person at work asked me if I could make a website for her baby too… I’m not quite sure if I can handle all that…

On to work… well, first day flew by rather fast… some girls talked to Van and I about how they didn’t recognize us at all even though they thought they knew everyone who interned last summer. We realized that between Van, Tecuan, and I, we really did isolate ourselves from the rest of the interns… heh… oh well. =)

I actually was a bit productive today, got most of my accounts setup (except still need to find mail server name so I don’t have to use web interface) and learned quite a bit of python. I believe my project this year is to help make a thin layer between one API to another… and perhaps make the thin layer go from C/C++ to Python. I’m not entirely sure on the details, but it sounds interesting.

Well, that’s all for today. Hope Andrew had a nice time on his first day at Sun too. I know Van got stuck back into his old dept. Hehe… poor Van. ;)



We sent them out yesterday… so they may or may not beat us back. ;) We may try to upload some teaser pics too… if we manage to survive the 56k (connected at 19.2k). =/

-Andrew, Mark, Oliver, and Viraj from Panama City, FL.



Also, I would like to note that we are keeping track of what we call the “Viraj Vulgarity Level” on this trip. For our first day, we recorded the number of times he said “cock”… it was about 70+.

We’ll get back to you with a more accurate figure in a full trip report. =)



We’re in Orlando right now (specifically, a Starbucks using the T-Mobile HotSpot wireless stuff).

We got 10PM Matrix Reloaded tickets too =D. And the theater doesn’t look like it’s going to be too crowded either. (none of the shows were sold out)

Anyhow, we’ll have pics and stories to tell eventually… including an encounter with a cop. ;)





Well, my finals have been so so thus far… most likely B’s =/ oh well. I need to write a paper now, but I don’t want to.



Neat Trick(s)

To combine multiple postscript files into one PDF or PS file:

gs -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOUTPUTFILE=out.pdf -dBATCH file1.ps file2.ps …

gs -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=pswrite -sOUTPUTFILE=out.ps -dBATCH file1.ps file2.ps …

To shrink multiple pages from one postscript file onto one page:
psnup -N file.ps > out.ps

Where N is 2, 4, 6, 8, etc. (not sure how high it can go).
