Battlestar Galactica Season 3, Episode 4.
That is all.
Battlestar Galactica Season 3, Episode 4.
That is all.
The rechargeable batteries I’ve used in my flash are kinda dead I think. They don’t hold a charge very well. Anyone done any research on good batteries and chargers? I want something good.
MacBook Pros were apparently updated today… most notably, Core 2 Duos now as well as FW800 in the 15”… the rest is rather minimal I think… nothing unexpected, nor tempting. I’ll probably wait a revision or two before I upgrade.
Sometimes I wonder what it would be like to go visit some random city by myself with nothing planned really except to explore the city with just my camera. I’ve played with the idea of buying a random cheap plane ticket off DING! or something for a weekend and just disappear for a while. Thinking about it, I don’t think I’ve ever gone anywhere by myself… I’ve always either had friends or family, which probably makes things less boring, but it seems like there’s some fun in exploring by yourself too…
“here’s another song with the four
oldest chords in history
I guess I lost all ambition turning left on Missouri
I could have made it better
but the feelings just aren’t there
my heart is cold and black
but I just don’t think I care
so here’s to me saying “fare-thee-well”
and when you hear this song I hope it hurts like hell
enamel is stretched too thin
you’re beautiful, but not beneath your skin
(enamel, like insect shells
so hollow, like your wedding bells.)” - Brave Saint Saturn
I haven’t done one of these in a while, but I’ve got nothing else to talk about so here goes… from Kathy…
Do you ever dream in black-and-white? I’m sure I have
Look away from the computer. Now what was the first word that came to mind? Heroes
Was that word written on something that you saw? No, Chad and I are watching it on TV
Average shower time? I dunno… 10-15 minutes? Depends on if you count the time I’m in the bathroom or just actually in the shower.
Last time you took a bubble bath? No idea, years ago…
Favorite thing to wear when it’s cold? sweaters… leather jacket
Last movie you saw? Umm… Flags of our Fathers? Or Departed… I think Departed.. yeah, Departed.
Do you enjoy scary movies? Not really
Do you consider yourself to be a thrill-seeker? Hmmm… yeah, probably
Do you enjoy dressing up for a formal occasion? Yeah, most of the time
Have you ever spent $50 or more on a shirt or a pair of pants? Yeah, from Express… around $50.
The most you’ve ever paid for a pair of shoes? around $100
If someone saw you at Wal-Mart, in what department would you most likely be seen? electronics… or buying more socks cause they always disappear
You’re stuck in traffic, and it seems like you’re the only person who knows how to drive. Does music help? Yes
Are you an emotional person? Yeah
Which emotion, if any, do you have the hardest time supressing? Hmmm… embarassment
Which emotion do you wish you could experience more? I like Kathy’s answer… tranquillity
If you were to die today, what would people remember most about you? I don’t know… easy going? generally happy?
Do you know for sure that you would go to Heaven? most of the time… sometimes I doubt.
Why or why not? Because I have issues and sometimes I doubt.
You plan a day to just go out and have fun. What would you do on that day? Hang out with friends… or spend it alone doing random adventurous things with my camera
Choose: huh?
If you could have any job in the world, what would you pick? I’d work for flickr.
Name something that makes you happy: Friends
Other people whose answers to this survey you’d like to read: umm… nah. lol
Well, since Xanga upgraded my account to premium for 20ish days, my crossposting thing was broken… so I think it has expired now and I’m gonna try again… here goes…
Well, looks like I didn’t blog yesterday. I think since like… August 3rd, I only missed one day in August… oh well. =)
Tomorrow, I’m supposed to do the Hairy Man 5k, but I haven’t ran in over a week and I’m not sure if my shin is up to it yet. We’ll see. I’m considering not running it and waiting for Race for the Cure, but the idea of waking up at 6, getting Round Rock donuts, then running the 5k at 8, seems exciting and fun. Haha… I had a dream the other day that I put on my running shoes and ran around some lake and did three miles easy. I have a feeling it’s not going to be like that tomorrow.
I brought my camera to work with me today, I feel like taking some pictures. Might go roaming around after work today…
“Through my glasses glare
you’ll see savoir faire
beneath my icy stare
I’ve got a retainer
Maybe I’m the physics main event
maybe I’m the chem club president
maybe even Texas Instruments
thinks that I’m coplanar
If you’re up
and if you want
a piece of me
wave goodbye and blow a kiss
Cause you can’t handle this” - Five Iron Frenzy
So I picked up a pull up bar the other day to put in Van and I’s room and it seems to be holding up alright. I think I felt bad for not running and I wanted to do some type of exercise, haha. Anyways, we installed it yesterday and I did some pull ups and now my abs are sore, haha…
Do you guys have a regular prayer schedule? For example, a lot of people pray before they eat, in the shower, etc. etc. Do you pray during those times, and/or have time you set aside to pray? What do you find is your best prayer time and what makes it the best? Do you think having a regular schedule is good/bad? Oh, I guess maybe I should save these questions for my Elements… but you all can answer them too. =)
I’ve heard that prayer should be a continuous lifestyle type thing, like you are always in conversation with God. Do you find you are able to do this? If you are, do you find or think it beneficial to also have a “quiet time” where you put aside time with the main intent of prayer?
“Aruba, Jamaica ooo I wanna take ya
Bermuda, Bahama come on pretty mama
Key Largo, Montego baby why don’t we go
Off the Florida keys
There’s a place called Kokomo
That’s where you wanna go to get away from it all” - Beach Boys
Yesterday, I went to volunteer at ARCH with some Elements people and it went well I believe. =) Afterwards, went to see The Departed with Essence and Viraj which was quite good. Apparently it is a remake of Infernal Affairs, but I never saw that, so this was my first time around with the plot/story. It was pretty intense. =) Recommended… very nice spy versus spy action.
So the one thing that bothered me was that they never tell you what was in the envelope Leonardo’s character gave to that one girl. I figured they were going to do something where Damon would follow that girl to her office as she opened what was in it after the funeral, when he realized that she was the doctor Leo was seeing. Anyways, I would guess that it had info about Damon being the rat, but what was the point of that scene anyways if they just dropped it? shrug
I feel busy nowadays. For a while after I started working, I would just be insanely tired after work and didn’t feel like doing anything (even playing WoW, which is why I stopped originally). Now, I’ve adjusted to the working life and have been filling up my post-work hours with various activities (from small groups to website dev to exercising, etc.). Whew. I think I like the feeling of being generally busy, but not swamped. Makes me feel like I’m doing something… productive. Haha.
Another thing that I’ve been enjoying is living close to my sister. She cooks for me sometimes and other times I just go raid her fridge. =D It’s a nice hang out spot to get away from the usual too, which is refreshing sometimes. Just wanted to say thank you, sister, and I’ve enjoyed being able to drop by often. =)
The beginning/end of this song reminds me of the animated Justice League intro/theme song:
“Let me know that I’ve done wrong
When I’ve known this all along
I go around a time or two
Just to waste my time with you
Tell me all that you’ve thrown away
Find out games you don’t wanna play
You are the only one that needs to know
I’ll keep you my dirty little secret
(Dirty little secret)
Don’t tell anyone or you’ll be just another regret
(Just another regret, hope that you can keep it)
My dirty little secret” - All-American Rejects
And with that, I’m going to say the next chunk of lyrics I post will not be All-American Rejects, haha.
As Van requested… haha…
In about a year from now, I will be 24, and able to… uhh… I don’t know what happens when you hit 24.
In about two years from now, I will be 25, able to rent a car at all places and have my car insurance drop in cost (at least, that’s what I hear).
In about three years from now, I will be married.
In about four years from now, I will have five kids.
In about five years from now, I will have eight grandchildren.
In about six years from now, I will have ten kids.
In about seven years from now, I will have 60 grandchildren.
In about eight years from now, I will rule the world!!!