
I still don’t really “get” this whole Twitter thing, but apparently some people like to use it. It seems like a somewhat pointless merging of SMS, blogging, emails, and IMs and I have to confess that I just don’t understand. I can’t say I particularly care though. =)

Anyways, that said, Andrew and I have decided to make use of Twitter by documenting the horrible movies that we watch (mostly together) at Rockwood. Feast your eyes upon the ROCKWOOD TWITTER!

Firewire is dead. Long live USB!

I went looking for a Firewire cable for Mac to Mac target disk mode usage today and hit up Wal-Mart and Radio Shack. I went to an HEB Plus! too, but wasn’t really expecting them to have it… they had pretty much the same selection as Wal-Mart and Radio Shack though. None of them had 6-pin to 6-pin Firewire cables.

The guy at Radio Shack that tried to help me didn’t even know what Firewire was. He asked me what it was used for and when I replied “computers,” he asked me what it plugged into and I replied “uhh… Firewire ports.” After that, he asked me if it was an internal or external cable. At that point, I probably gave him a face that said “move out of my way and let me look for it myself since you obviously don’t know what I’m talking about” so he just pointed me towards the computer cables section.

Is Firewire really that rare now? Shouldn’t at least Radio Shack have them?

I finally ventured into a Circuit City and paid way too much for the cable I was looking for.

In other news, Kat tells me that Round Rock Donuts’ drive through is now open 24 hours. That is absolutely splendid news.


Hello my poor blog!

I’ve been trying to find a picture of my WoW gnome, Powderpuff, but have been unsuccessful. Does anyone have a screenshot of my pink haired gnome? =) Almost makes me tempted to reactivate so I can take a screenshot…

I recently purchases a macro lens that is quite fun to use, although I haven’t shot with it all that much yet. I posted a few shots with it previously, but here are a few more:

I also purchased GRAW2 for Andrew (as well as a copy for myself) and we’ve been playing through the co-op missions which has been pretty entertaining. I agree with Mark that it would probably be more fun with a keyboard and mouse, but there’s just no beating the convenience of multiple people playing on one 360 (and over Xbox Live) and not having to arrange a LAN party (… which we should do sometime =).

Oh… by the way, anyone want to buy a black MacBook (2GHz, 2GB RAM, 120GB HD)?

Rock Band Madness


New Year’s:

Endless Setlist:

While we were playing the Endless Setlist, our drums’ foot pedal snapped in half because it could not handle our awesomeness. That did not stop us, however, as we resorted to restoring its usefulness by hacking up our pizza box:

flickr stats

I know I’m a little late to this, but I just finally activated my flickr stats yesterday. It’s about time, flickr! One of the main features the stats introduce is being able to figure out how that one picture with 10x as many views as the rest is getting that way. Everyone with a pro account can activate it and you should do so asap because some data gets erased after a certain period of time if you don’t have stats activated (namely, referrers).

Plus, there’s nifty looking line graphs. Mmmm, line graphs.

Ho ho ho!

Merry Christmas, everyone! I setup studio lights to capture my family’s presents opening and my mom playing drums on Rock Band. I think they turned out well. Pics to follow…

Oh yeah… and congrats to Grant and Melissa! Thanks for having me shoot your wedding!


The rest here.

Truluck's and Red Herring

Nothing much, just a few small updates. =)

So my team at Bazaarvoice hit our stretch goals and were rewarded with a scrumptious meal at Truluck’s. That was pretty cool.


We were also named one of the Global Top 100 Tech Startups by Red Herring. I’m not entirely sure what criteria they used (looks like not raw worth in cash, since Facebook didn’t make it), but we’re on the list along with Mozilla, Wikia, and others I don’t know much about. =) Another award we recently got was a Top Tech Innovation award from the Austin Business Journal. It’s pretty cool working at such an awesome company… we just need more people!

And… a pretty belated virtual happy birthday to my sister who I just recently purchased a belated gift for. =p


Okay, it’s a bit late, but for those who haven’t seen it yet… here was my Halloween costume:

BV Halloween-031

I made the headphones the night before and they actually play music. =) Kat helped a bunch on the body portion (especially the letters). She wore it to the Statesman later and it won their office “Best Costume” contest. Yays!


Poor neglected blog. I have been too busy to do anything with it. I also, highly doubt, that I will be able to do my yearly redesign of OWeb this year, seeing that there are only four days left in October and I have other, more pressing matters, to devote my time to. =)

I’ll try to post pics of my Halloween costume this year, though… and if I don’t here, I’m sure it will be on my flickr, which is less neglected. =)

Sleep well, blog… perhaps I will have more time in the future…