There are monkeys in the tunnels! MONKEYS!!!
So I’m just sitting here right now thinking of the things I need to do… here’s my to do list for the day:
- Go with Nancy to UT (and bring Oriana) to see her disgusting worms/moths
- Before that, check oil level in car
- Move stuff from backseat of car to trunk
- Mall?
In other news, here’s a “weather report”:
- 2% Chance of Light Oliver Studying
- Strong chance of winds from the east causing Oliver to goof off for the rest of the day
Christine just brought to my attention that I forgot to make Friends 2002. I am greatly saddened by this fact and I guess I’m just gonna wait until next summer (skip a year) or possibly do it after I’m done with work… (the 16th)… we’ll see.
I haven’t posted in a while… I should start doing that more. I think I need to try to get into the habit of treating OWeb like an online journal/diary/whatever again, it’s been kinda neglected lately…
Well, I need to do physics… but on the bright side I’ve only got two more classes to go (one being the final)…
Hope everyone is looking forward to school coming back around like I am! =)
And now for the "who cares?" post of the day!
Well, we’re moved in, phone works (452-7579 if anyone cares) but we wont have our dsl until the 20th… =( im in withdrawl, joey and sean are clawing each others eyes out… I’m at UT right now so I can have internet, if only for a while. I miss CS… I beat Half Life yesterday, start to finish just missing it =( anyway, if anyone wants to visit, we’re at 1071 clayton lane apartment 1008 (if you havent been there and want instructions, call… um yeah. I suppose thats it. =) tata
Luke Vs. Darth Vader
This comes from Angst Technology, I thought it was pretty funny =)
A furious light saber duel is under way. DARTH VADER is backing LUKE SKYWALKER toward the end of the gantry. A quick move by Vader, chops off Luke’s hand! It goes spinning off into the ventilation shaft. Luke backs away. He looks round, but realizes there’s nowhere to go but straight down…
Click on comments to read the rest… funny part included.
- Intel Pentium 4 2.0A GHz Northwood
- AMS gBOX (CF-S868 - VIA P4M266)
- Crucial 256MB PC2100 RAM
- Maxtor 80GB 7200RPM ATA133
- Toshiba 16x/10x/40x CD-RW + 12x DVD Combo
- Creative Labs SB Audigy
- Gainward GeForce4 Ti4200 64MB
Oh yeah… 17” Hansol/Samsung LCD too =)
Guess who? =)

Did you all know this? =)
of other interesting note… if you missed Google’s april fools joke, you can still appreciate their humor, by searching for sites in Klingon.
If Klingon isn’t enough for you, you can try Elmer Fudd, Hacker, Pig Latin, or “Bork Bork Bork”.
I'm back
I haven’t posted on here in some time. That’s a shame, and it should be rectified. I will do so now.
First of all, a plug. Just click.
Anyway, I’m bored at the moment, and there are a few sites I visit to alleviate my boredom. I have exhausted most of them, but I think I will give you all links to follow if you are also bored.
X-Entertainment(don’t worry, it’s not pornography. It is a review site.)
Once again, my plug =)
Penny Arcade
What the heck?
buy stuff
pluggity plug plug
Oh, and remember this?