Lookee I have a subject! Dee ur quote of the month has been there for over a few months now…I just want to bring it to ur attn!


Economy check!

Since I am stuck at home and not watching Lord of the Rings, i’m going to further analyze a statement made previously by Chad. He claims that pennies are depreciating in value b/c my hair is so abundant. Now the deal was, that for every hair found of mine, I’ll owe you a penny. So, economically and logically speaking, if the supply of my hair is A LOT, then the demand for my hair is…uh oh…ya know i think he’s rite. cough The demand is low and, thus, the price of my hair is low, and therefore, pennies are worth little. Okay nm. I’m just going to go wallow in my hole now. Bye.



HAHA… okay.. this is so FUNNY… go here … and AFTER you look at that… go HERE.

HAHA, sorry… that second guy goes to my church and he was just makin fun of the poor kid… i had a good laugh over it… =)


Mauy Furst Poste

This is the beginning of the end…I now have the ability to post on the main page! No longer will I be forced to the slums of Wes’ posts…no longer will i feed on the scraps of the “quotes” page… I will reign supreme… or something.
Until next time Space Cowboys!



I decided to stop adding quotes to the quote page. But like I told Dee Dee, I can take over oliverweb with my blabber cuz I’m sooooo bored out of my mind! sob So this is the deal, if Van fails calculus, he bites me. If I don’t get an A in calculus, I eat him.



Finals are finally over…though they’ve been over for me for a while now. I hate them as much as I like being 19. I’m so bored I’m reviewing anatomy. So here’s a listen for you all!!!
Hippocampus 1: a complex neural structure (shaped like a sea horse) consisting of gray matter and located on the floor of each lateral ventricle; intimately involved in motivation and emotion as part of the limbic system; has a central role in the formation of memories 2:A fabulous monster, with the head and fore quarters of a horse joined to the tail of a dolphin or other fish.
