I am bruised and battered, thus I can not participate in the following scene, but instead, am able to capture it in words (well..Chad’s words anyway). So here you go.
“Guess how much money I’ve spent since weezer? A WHOLE LOT. I would say i’ve spent over 500 bucks. Well i payed 150 for the concert. I bought maybe 80 bucks worth of merchandise while i was there. And i bought a whole lotta cds and who knows how many singles. and i just bought tickets to their concert. and 5 iron frenzy. where di di…oh yeah aaron howard. ANd he was playing the tape. music sucks but dang is it funny. No no no don’t say that. what if my parents go to this website. And then I’m in trouble. No nancy No nancy. Why? Oh crap. I’m sorry. growl giggle my knee’s in pain. makes sword fighting noises. Protect me nancy, protect me Nancy. ow ow. laugh breath heavily back away. sorry. sorry it’s involuntary. No stop it. You don’t want to hurt nancy again do you? Yes you did. If i involuntary respond to an action that you voluntary do…Proof that the youth is molting. phhhhhffffftttttt whoooooooohhhooooooooo heheheheh datala!. Everynight in my dreams I fear..i fear you! I fear you! Please don’t matt. NO no no no. giggle STOP STOP STOP!!!!! Stop it. Stop it. laughing hysterically hahahha. NOOOo stop!!! Nancy sorry about your blanket. Once again. NOt my fault. Maybe you can argue that. Maybe. THere’s something about tickling.”
Tomorrow is Intersections! If you don’t know what that is.. it’s the FALL SHOW (dance show) for the whole RRISD! And I’m in it! =D Yay! So people should come support us… at 2:00 =) Actually, i just wanted an excuse to update… and this was the only thing happening so.. =)
I'm here
Hey hey…I’m not dead, Chad. I’m alive. Not dead. So there. By the way, Chad, do you know Aaron’s E-mail address? you should give it to me. Btw, our account with AOL got cancelled, and now I have a new screen name(still have Wessomatika, but not WretchedMeerkat). Now I am PhunkyEyelids. E-mail me, Chad. With Aaron’s address. Lest ye die.
In Response To Chad
Thanks for blocking off comments good buddy! Yes… I skipped class… why? Because music and talking and laughing was happening all around me while I was trying to sleep until 3 in the morning =( I just want some time to sleep =*( but I’ll never get it… anyways, so I overslept =(
Chad is going to update Oliverweb, and thus make it a better place. being the low down gangsta that i am, i have decided to inform y’all that Van throws poo. on another note, GTA3 is one of the funnest games i’ve ever played, and my grammar are better that yours. if you know Van, then i’m sure you know that he flings poo as a result of being tickled. “you’re supposed to freeze these?” “is she naked?” Matt is currently skipping class, bad Matt… Hey Wes man, ya dead? well, i hope y’all are not enjoying this nonsense and wish each one of you no good scumbags a horrible day.
Even more...
More Pics from UT… Lalalala…
I Like My Camera =)
Hehe… here’s a nice animated group pic (minus Chad, cause he’s taking the pics… but you saw him… and his shoes animated earlier so it works =).

Dumdedum… (might have to wait a little bit until it actually “animates”)
Pics from College
Yo yo! =)
I’ve uploaded a ton of pics… sorry, no comments on these (I don’t have the time to do that anymore…) but they should be enjoyable nonetheless…
Have fun!
