Funny Stuff

ok, how i found this is quite a story that i will explain to you when i am down there this next week. incredibly funny part i thought would be if you go to, then click on DVDs, make sure and look at all the DVDs in the list to find the hilarity.




Yeah, I’m bored again… went to AOL to see if the screenname “Owiber” was taken… it wasn’t, to my surprise…

So now I have the “Owiber” screenname to add to my large collection of screennames… I’m thinking about switching over to it from “WabbaMan”… what you think? I just like change I suppose, and “Owiber” sounds goofy, so seems like a decent candidate. =)

I’m even gettin tired of OliverWEB’s layout a little… couple more months and I might change it again, I think I’m going to go back to black background… or at least a dark color…

Alright, back to “work” now. =)


UBB Forum

Ah… a UBB forum… right…


I’m going to kill the comment page for this post so you have to go to the forum to comment. =) Heh… creating a login/username is not required.

I’ll add the link to the sidebar when I get home, replacing the old message board…



By request of Alex, here’s a new post for people to start commenting on… other one strayed from original topic I suppose. Although that’s not a bad thing.

I just realized that I don’t really have a place for discussions other than the frontpage comment system (which isn’t really intended for general discussions) and the message board (which uses an old script and stinks).

I think I’ll be putting up a UBB script sometime… think I had one for comp club a while back, probably can just modify that… =)


Oliver's Computer Status

Hello, this is Oliver’s computer. I would just like to give you an update on my life in the past week.

  • My desktop wallpaper has been replaced by a simple dark-blue background
  • Buddy list for “WabbaMan” has been cleaned out and dropped from 105+ screen names to 76.
  • I got a new optical mouse
  • I got the “old” optical one back
Thank you for listening.
