Added a few picture links to misc. section… uploaded pics from my family’s Florida vacation and misc. pics from around the dorm, Matrix Revolutions, and other places to the Picture Album. w00t!
Well, I finally did it. I updated OliverWEB, including a new layout! (as you can probably tell =).
K, well, hopefully I’ll update more from now on too… LAN party at Nathan’s NYE/NY, don’t forget!
Late Night Googling
Not sure if this was me, but that’s kinda wierd. I don’t remember that.
Mark lives in Illinois.
Dunno what this means, but they want to know where Chad is.
There are way too many Van Nguyens, and Nancy has a Candy Candy website.
Nathan has an INSANE amount of stuff on GameFaqs… what a nerd. haha ;) (hey, this one’s real too)
… oooohhh… I found something interesting…
“I’m Segaholic2, known as Nathan Tsui in the real world. I’m 18, a resident of Texas (which is the greatest state ever), and hoping to get into college this fall. I love Sega (obviously), and Sonic Team especially, if that’s not a crime by now. I’m also very Asian, which makes me irresistible to teh ladies… Okay, just one. Yuss, I am the luckiest guy on the planet because the coolest girl in the universe likes me. Uhh… Enough gloating.” (- from here)
… searching for “Sam Ni” results in Google wanting me to search for “samuni”
OliverWEB has been put on hold. The Council is collaborating.
Another Server Move
Well, I moved it again. The only things that I lost were some comments about and Harisu or something like that. No biggie. =)
K… now… on to, then I might start OWeb redesign. sigh Too much stuff!
Class and Stuff
Well, I’ve got a decent amount of web-stuff to do… which is taking a decent amount of my time, but oh well. =)
My classes seem pretty cool… Computer Networks - we’re doing some neat stuff with actual real examples (ie. something called the Internet). Computer Graphics - OpenGL time! Computer Architecture - the prof. worked at IBM and now at Intel… he helped with the G5 core and the maybe-soon-to-be Pentium 5. Pretty neat. Comp Arch looks like it’ll be pretty fun too, it’s the class I’m looking forward to the most.
uhhh… so I was compiling KDE and at the same time and I managed to use over 2GB up in the compilation of the two of those, which resulted in me using up 100% of that partition. Oops. Time for # parted /dev/hda.
In contrast, my 7GB partition for /home is using less than 4% of that allocated space. I think I know where to put some of that extra space….
Gentoo is up and running! I’ve got a lot to configure though, like various power saving stuff, suspend, etc. etc. I think I just got my audio working and started compiling stuff… at the moment, apache, php, samba, and grip are compiling, so I decided I should probably let those finish before I compile anymore. =)
Ooohh! Samba finished! bbl
After a long while of abstaining from using GIMP because of it’s horrible (well, IMHO) UI compared to Photoshop (okay, maybe that’s just because I’m used to PS now)… I took a stab at 1.3.17 (the latest devel version), and I must say, I am VERY VERY impressed by how much they’ve improved it.
Now, they have a menu bar above the image, as well as the crazy right click menu, which is very helpful because I hated that right click thing (again, probably just used to Photoshop). It didn’t import my PSD’s very nicely, but that’s alright, just would have been a nice perk. There are a few nice things missing (ie. preview on a lot of the filters/script-fu’s) but it definately is getting there.
I’d say give it another few months and I may begin trying to use it instead of Photoshop for my designs. GOOOOO (legally =) FREE SOFTWARE!